Packers Have Options To Trade Down From 30

The draft is coming fast, and there’s a lot of theories on what the Packers might do with their extra pick in the first round.

Sure, they could stay put, but a 6 win team has a lot depth needs and could handle some upgrades all over the starting lineup. Getting some extra Day 2 picks in a draft class with a lot of Day 2 talent could be a big help.

So what could they do?

Using the DraftTek Draft Value Chart (which is similar to all the others, honestly), we see that the Packers 30th overall pick is worth 620 points.

Normally, it takes multiple picks from multiple rounds to move, but this year, there are some teams that have multiple 2nd round picks with point values that are strikingly close to the value of the 30th overall pick:

  • Chiefs have 2 picks at the end of the second round (29 and 31) worth 568 points. The 52 point difference is a mid 4th rounder.
  • Patriots have 2 picks at the end of the 2nd round (24 and 32) worth 610 points. The 10 point difference is a late 6th rounder. 
  • Texans have 2 picks in the last third of the 2nd round (22 and 23) worth 710 points. The 90 point difference is a late 3rd rounder or early 4th rounder.

Given that the points are pretty close and all of these teams are favorable trade partners as a result of being in the AFC (especially the Patriots, who have been trade partners multiple times in the past), things could get really interesting.

The real deciding factor will be if any of these four teams have someone they really want when the 30th pick rolls around.

Can’t wait to see it unfold!


Check out Packers Draft Central for all our 2019 NFL Draft coverage!


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