Did The ‘Fire Ted’ Crowd Ever Consider This?

So, the Packers have gone to the playoffs 8 straight seasons (one shy of the all-time record and the same as those Patriots you all love so much) and made it to the conference championship 3 times in that stretch, but that’s not enough. Winning Super Bowls is all that matters, right?

A record of 87-40-1? That doesn’t matter, only winning Super Bowls matters! If you ain’t first, yer last!

So many people want to fire Ted Thompson for this egregious, unforgiveable failure. I mean, really, has any team ever gone this long without a Super Bowl? This consistent winning year after year without winning the Super Bowl is embarrassing – every year we don’t win the Super Bowl is like spitting on Vince Lombardi’s grave!

I wholeheartedly agree, but Ted Thompson isn’t the one on the field always coming up short. You can’t blame this poor innocent soul, clapping away in the luxury box, for what happens on the field, can you? Of course not. So let’s look back at these losses, 3 of which were in overtime with another ending on a walkoff field goal. Who was on the field for all these losses?

There is a common thread here and that common thread is Aaron Rodgers.

I know, it sounds silly at first, but bear with me. Go through the playoff losses year-by-year, re-watch the games like I did, and you will see that Aaron Rodgers is the sole reason for every single playoff loss.

We shouldn’t be calling to fire Ted Thompson, we should be calling to cut Aaron Rodgers! Just look at how he has single-handedly ended almost every season since he started:

  • 2009 – Cardinals: Aaron Rodgers fumbles in overtime to give the game away. Packers lose.
  • 2010 – I couldn’t find the game film from this year, but I’ll bet he was awful.
  • 2011 – Giants: Aaron Rodgers can’t move the ball against the Giants defense. Packers lose.
  • 2012 – 49ers: Aaron Rodgers didn’t outrush Colin Kaepernick. Packers lose.
  • 2013 – 49ers: Packers settle for a field goal in the 4th quarter because Rodgers didn’t throw a touchdown. Packers lose.
  • 2014 – Seahawks: Rodgers tears his calf before the game (idiot!) then doesn’t even go onto the field to defend a fake field goal or a critical two-point conversion. He made Julius Peppers tell Morgan Burnett to lay down instead of running back a touchdown and then, to make matters worse, he didn’t take Brandon Bostick’s spot on the onside recovery team. I’ve never seen one player screw up in one game as much as Aaron Rodgers did. Packers lose.
  • 2015 – Cardinals: Packer settle for a field goal twice in the second quarter because Rodgers didn’t throw a touchdown either time – then he didn’t even throw a touchdown in overtime! Packers lose.
  • 2016: Rodgers only scores three touchdowns instead of the seven they needed to outscore the Falcons. Packers lose.

When you look at it objectively, it’s plain as day that Aaron Rodgers, and not Ted Thompson, is the problem here. Actually, Ted’s biggest mistake was drafting Aaron Rodgers in the first place!

It’s a shame Thompson hasn’t given this team a quarterback that can get it over the hump – he’s wasting Clay Matthews’s prime!

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