Let’s All Get Excited About Connor Barwin!

So, word on the street is that Connor Barwin is not going to be an Eagle much longer. Naturally, click-bait media flares up with rumors of him “potentially” finding a “destination” with about 31 other teams, one of them being the Packers.

Barwin was a 14.5 sack stud a few years back as a 3-4 OLB, but since Philly went to a 4-3, he’s floundered a bit. That could be because of the scheme change or it could be because his 4.59 combine 40-time hasn’t held up as he turned 30.

It’s possible that if he gets cut, the Packers could make a move, depending on how cheap he wants to play for. But, much like the Dolphins realizing that players they don’t want could have trade value, it looks like after word of his potential release was “leaked,” there may be some trade interest.

“Trade interest” is usually code for “not Ted Thompson.” I’m not going to argue for or against the approach (although I do enjoy going to the playoffs every year), I’ll just say that’s Teddy’s M.O. Depending on what happens with Perry, Peppers, and Jones, Barwin might have been a nice bargain pickup, but now that the trade blood is in the water, it probably takes the Packers out of the running.

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